Fifth Conference on Laboratory Phonology

July 6th-8th 1996
Northwestern University
Evanston, Illinois

Day 1: July 6th

General Sessions

9:00 Invited Speaker: Kevin Munhall (Queen's University, Kingston), with E. Vatikiotis-Bateson & M. Kawato (ATR Human Information Processing Research Laboratories, Kyoto)

Coarticulation and physical models of the vocal tract

9:45 Yuko Kondo (Musashino University, Tokyo)

Production of schwa by Japanese speakers of English: an acoustic study of shifts in coarticulatory strategies from L1 to L2

10:15 Coffee

10:45 Jonathan Harrington (Macquarie University, Sydney), Janet Fletcher (University of Melbourne) & Mary Beckman (Ohio State University)

Manner and place conflicts in the articulation of accent in Australian English

11:15 Dani Byrd (Haskins Laboratories), Shrikanth Narayanan (AT&T Research Laboratories), Abigail Kaun (Yale) & Elliot Saltzman (Haskins Laboratories)

Phrasal influences on articulatory detail

12:45 Lunch

1:15 Commentary: John Coleman (University of Oxford)

2:00 Elliot Saltzman, Anders Lofqvist (Haskins Laboratories) & Subhobrath Mitra (University of Connecticut)

'Clocks' and 'glue': global timing and intergestural cohesion

2:30 John Hajek (University of Melbourne) & Shinji Maeda (CNRS, Paris)

Investigating universals of sound change: the effect of vowel height and duration on the development of distinctive nasalization

3:00 Coffee

3:30 Andrew Lotto, Keith Kluender & Lori Holt (University of Wisconsin)

Effects of language experience on perceptual organization of vowel sounds

4:00 Invited Speaker: Donca Steriade (UCLA)

Morphemic invariance and the phonology-phonetics boundary

4:45 Commentary: Björn Lindblom (Stockholm University)

5:30 General Discussion

Day 2: July 7th

General Sessions (cont.)

9:00 Armalia Arvaniti (University of Cyprus), D. Robert Ladd & Ineke Mennen (University of Edinburgh)

What is a starred tone? Evidence from Greek

9:30 Carlos Gussenhoven (University of Nijmegen)

The boundary tones are coming: on the nonperipheral realization of boundary tones

10:00 Shu-hui Peng (Ohio State University)

Lexical versus 'phonological' representations of Mandarin sandhi tones

10:30 Coffee

11:00 Commentary: Jennifer Cole (University of Illinois)

Poster Sessions

11:30 - 12:30 Even Posters

12:00 -1:00 Buffet lunch in the poster area

1:00 - 2:00 Odd Posters

Special Sessions: Acquisition and Lexical Representation

2:00 Invited Speaker: Janet Werker, with Christine Stager (University of British Columbia)

Developmental changes in speech perception and early word learning: is there a link?

2:45 James Scobbie, Fiona Gibbon & William Hardcastle (Queen Margaret College, Edinburgh)

Covert contrast as a stage in the acquisition of phonetics and phonology

3:15 Coffee

3:45 Marlys Macken (University of Wisconsin)

Prosodic templates

4:15 John Archibald (University of Calgary)

The acquisition of syllable weight and foot type

4:45 Commentary: Jan Edwards (Ohio State University)

5:30 General Discussion

7:00 Banquet

Day 3: July 8th

Special Sessions (cont.)

9:00 Invited Speaker: Joan Bybee (University of New Mexico)

Lexicalization of sound change and alternating environments

9:45 Rebecca Treiman (Wayne State University), Brett Kessler (Stanford University), Stephanie Knewasser (Wayne State University) & Ruth Tincoff (SUNY)

Adults' sensitivity to phonotactic probabilities in English words

10:15 Coffee

10:45 Stefan Frisch (Northwestern University)

Temporally organized lexical representations as phonological units

11:15 Rochelle Newman, James Sawusch & Paul Luce (SUNY)

The influence of underspecification and phoneme frequency in speech perception

11:45 Lunch

1:15 Mary Beckman & Jan Edwards (Ohio State University)

Lexical frequency effects on young children's imitative productions

1:45 Mara Goodman, Peter Jusczyk & Angela Bauman (SUNY)

Developmental changes in infants' sensitivity to internal syllable structure

2:15 Commentary: Gary Dell (University of Illinois)

3:00 General Discussion