Fifth Conference on Laboratory Phonology


Participants must make their own reservations: a list of recommended
accomodations follows. All have air-conditioned rooms and are within
walking distance of campus. No accommodation in dormitories is being
offered, due to lack of interest.

The Orrington, a full-service hotel, is providing discounted rates for
conference participants who reserve by June 14th. Reservations must
identify affiliation with the conference.

Omni Orrington Hotel                     Single: $99.00
1710 Orrington Avenue                    Double:$110.00
Evanston IL 60201, Tel: 1-800-843-6664

Less expensive options are listed below. These hotels do not have
room-service or dining facilities, however there are many good places to
eat nearby.

The Margarita Inn       Single: $78.00-116.55 ($61.00 without bath.)
1566 Oak Avenue         Double: $90.00-128.00 ($72.00 without bath.)
Evanston, IL 60201, Tel: 847-869-2273, Fax: 847-869-2353

The Homestead                            Single: $65.00
1625 Hinman Avenue                       Double: $70.00
Evanston, IL  60201 Tel:  847-475-3300, Fax: 847-570-8100

Remans Bed & Breakfast                   Single: $50.00
1316 Judson Avenue                       Double: $66.00
Evanston, IL 60202, Tel: 847-328-8966, Fax: 847-328-9520